Saturday, September 29, 2012


I've been on Pinterest for just about a year now. I first discovered the site while I was living abroad on the Galapagos Islands and working on my thesis for my Master's degree. While I wasn't researching, writing, interviewing, or experiencing life on the islands, I was pinning.

I, like most people, have come across hundreds of pins. When I find a pin-of-interest, I think of how awesome it will look on my plate, in my home, or on my personage. There are some pins I flat out know would look absolutely terrible if I attempted them -- Weaved Sweater Girl anyone? I mean Hello, no way. Yet, there are others I hold dearly, with hope and insanity, that they will turn out fabulously--those usually involve a crockpot.

I've been attempting pins for awhile now and I always wonder how my pin trials will turn out. I lack a few things most pins have. I am not a professional photographer, I do not have unlimited craft resources, and try as I might, I was not raised to be femininely creative. Thus, some of my pins turn out to be hot messes from the start, others are decent. Success or absolutely failure, from hence forth, I will demonstrate my pursuits, my pinsuits, here.

If there are any pins you would like to see recreated, please feel free to suggest one in the comments.

I hope you enjoy laughing at my failures as much as I do and are impressed by my successes as much as I am.


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